Press Resources

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SingTrue Video Review

Life By Experimentation

“Having a visual “bulls-eye” representation of where my voice was, and the note I was aiming for, allowed me to understand my voice in a way I never had before. This sort of instant feedback is an essential building block for learning effectively”

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App Review: SingTrue
Score: 4.5 / 5

VoiceCouncil Magazine

“Everything within the app works smoothly and is well thought out. [...] By turning singing practice into a game, it makes working on improving your vocal abilities fun.”

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SingTrue app review: become that perfect singer


“The SingTrue app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone may just be able to transform your voice into one you never thought possible through a variety of user-friendly and educational interactive singing exercises.”

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SingTrue: The app to help you become pitch perfect!

HarkMusic blog

“There are many free apps around, but not all are useful. This one? Happens to be extremely useful and it’s free! [...] We have tried it in a handful of students who are less sensitive to pitching and after a few sessions, their pitching indeed improved!”

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SingTrue: Gratis-App macht Euch zum guten Sänger

“Die App SingTrue will Euch dabei helfen, zu einem guten bzw. besseren Sänger zu werden. Die iPhone-Neuerscheinung bietet Euch dazu verschiedene “Kurse” an. In diesen werden sowohl Eure Ohren, als auch Eure Stimme und Euer Geist geschult. Je nach Kurs müsst Ihr dann zuhören und Töne voneinander unterscheiden, Fragen beantworten, etwas ins Mikrofon singen…”

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Learn to sing, train your voice

The Loop

“Have you ever wanted to train your voice, learn to sing in pitch, develop a better ear? The SingTrue app uses a wide range of pitch recognition exercises to develop your sense of pitch.”

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SingTrue Review

Music Matters Blog

“One thing I really like about this new app on the market called, SingTrue, is its option to try an activity “just one more time” and see if you can do better. It’s a strange balance between getting you hooked (addicted) and being intrigued (the possibility of improving), that I haven’t experienced in an app before.”

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SingTrue Review

Ear Training and Improv

“I love that this app helps me improve my singing while bypassing my obstacles. I can now practice with the app any time I have a spare moment. And SingTrue gives me great feedback, without making me feel as self-conscious as I would in front of a person.”

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Sing Loud, SingTrue


“Voice training just got a whole lot easier and less expensive. Instead of hiring a voice coach, practice by yourself. It’s a lot less embarrassing, and it works around your schedule. SingTrue features over 30 interactive exercises that help you learn to sing easily, confidently and in perfect tune.”

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The SingTrue App – First Steps into the World of Singing

Vocal Blog

“There are a lot of singers out there in the same boat. They’re getting by okay, and enjoying singing, but with lingering doubts about their tuning and whether they are technically singing well or not. Wouldn’t it be great if there was some objective way to check and see “yes, I can accurately sing notes on pitch every time”?”

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SingTrue: Five years in the making


“SingTrue is an interactive singing tutor for iPhone, developed at Easy Ear Training for all the people who passed our Tone Deaf Test and then wondered “what now?” Over 40,000 people have taken that test now, and I’m glad to report that…”

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SingTrue – a brilliant new app


“Several months ago I was contacted by Christopher Sutton from, who was planning on designing an app to help people to sing. He had encountered our Choir who can’t sing project on my blog, and wanted to tap into my experience. I had my doubts…”

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Announcing SingTrue

Easy Ear Training

“Why is this such an exciting project? Because it’s the culmination of our last 5 years experience designing new ear training methods and talking with thousands of musicians about what it is that enables you to become confident, creative and a “natural” musician. On the face of it, SingTrue is an app that teaches you to sing. And it certainly is that! But it’s much more than that too…”

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Press Pack

Full Press Pack

Download the full press pack as a zip file, including the launch Press Release, detailed information about SingTrue™, Tone Deaf Test and Easy Ear Training, plus high-resolution artwork.

Press Release: SingTrue Launch

Download the Press Release covering the launch of SingTrue (21st October 2014).

About SingTrue

About SingTrue

Download detailed information about the SingTrue app, including a full description and user quotes.

About Tone Deaf Test

About Tone Deaf Test

Download detailed information about the Tone Deaf Test website and app, including key statistics, a full description and user quotes.

About Easy Ear Training

About Easy Ear Training

Download detailed information about Easy Ear Training, including key statistics, a full description of the company and its products, and industry endorsements.


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Social Media


SingTrue got over 1,000 Facebook likes and was upvoted into the “Top Apps” list on PreApps before launch.

SingTrue success on PreApps

Twitter Mentions:

For further information or to schedule an interview please contact [email protected].